How Do I Start Chanting at Home?

Set a Focal Point

At home find a comfortable chair where you won’t be disturbed. Face a blank spot on the wall and set a focal point for yourself. Your connection with the universe is inside yourself, in your Buddha nature.

The Focal Point Represents the Gohonzon

The focal point represents the Gohonzon, inscribed by Nichiren.
Inscribed in calligraphy on a scroll, the Gohonzon represents your life. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is written down the center and represents your Buddha nature. All of the other life states you live internally every day are inscribed around it in ancient Chinese and Sanskrit.

The Gohonzon acts as a mirror of your life. You are not praying to something outside of yourself as that connection is within. To find out more about the Gohonzon go to www.sgi-usa. org and search for Gohonzon.

Set a Goal, Something You Want

Face the wall and put your palms together. Decide what you want to chant for. Then start to repeat Nam-myoho-renge-kyo over and over. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the fundamental law of the universe and you are connecting with it inside yourself. You are starting the conversation with the universe, with your Buddha Nature within.

Chanting Leads to Happiness

When you start to chant, you are beginning to walk the path which will lead you to success and unshakeable happiness in life. For expanded instructions on how to begin, go to the article try will help you see how the practice works, the ninety day experiment. Chanting for ninety days to prove that it works for you and to determine if it feels right as your spiritual path.

“How Do I Start Chanting at Home?”(C) Margaret Blaine, The Practical Buddhist


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