“I had a question this week: why do we need to chant in front of the Gohonzon if the law of
Attraction works on its own. A friend of mine told me, ‘You don’t need the Gohonzon, just think
positive.’ She made me feel confused.”
I have a full discussion of this question in my vlog, Why Is It Important to Have Faith in the
Gohonzon? See the URL at the end of this vlog.
In this vlog I want to discuss the differences between the Law of Attraction and the Mystic Law.
What is the Mystic Law?
The following is a quote from Life An Enigma a Precious Jewel written by Daisaku Ikeda in 1982.
“ In the innermost depths of all beings, there is the primal life-force and it causes living beings to live. The same force supports inorganic matter and works it into the harmonies and rhythms of the great cosmic existence. In Buddhism it is called the Mystic Law. When this force manifests itself in the physical world, it appears as the laws governing the inorganic world, which makes possible chemical compounds and controls the physical pulsations of the universe. In other words, the laws of physics, chemistry and astronomy are simply particular phenomenal manifestations of the Mystic Law of the cosmos. Similarly, the life-force constructs the world of spirit, creates intelligence, gives birth to conscience, gives force to urges and instincts and thus creates all variations of mental and spiritual activity. It is what is called God in other religions, but it is different from God in that it is perfectly immanent in the cosmos and in human life. It is not a force outside the cosmos. It is the cosmos itself. The true nature of the cosmos and of life is the fusion into entity of the physical law of life and the spiritual law of life. This fusion is the process where life is created and made to spread out into the infinite.”
The Mystic Law, then, is the primal power behind all of creation.
The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is one of the laws of the universe, not the intelligence within all of creation, as is the Mystic Law.
The Law of Attraction says , “That which is like unto itself, is drawn.” The Law of Attraction responds to your thoughts and feelings and draws to you exactly what you have been thinking and feeling as though you are a magnet. This is its function. It is the law behind the Buddhist concept, oneness of life and its environment.
I have discussed this in my vlogs where we talk about “What are you projecting to the universe?” In them I examine what we are thinking and how that determines the results we are getting from chanting.
The law of attraction responds to what you are projecting at the moment. President Ikeda discusses this in the Clear Mirror Guidance.
”When you feel reluctant to recite the sutra or take part in activities. That state of mind is precisely reflected on the entire universe, as if on the surface of a clear mirror. The heavenly deities will then also feel reluctant to play their part, and they will naturally fail to exert their full power of protection. On the other hand when you joyfully recite the sutra, chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and carry out activities with the determination to accumulate more good fortune in your life, the heavenly deities will be delighted and valiantly perform their duty. If you practice reluctantly with a sense that it’s a waste of time, disbelief and complaints will erode your good fortune. If you continue to practice
this way, you will not experience remarkable benefits.”
The law of attraction is one of the laws of the universe, not the intelligence which creates everything in the universe, the Mystic Law.
The Powers of the Mystic Law:
How is the Mystic Law different from the Law of Attraction? The law of attraction only manifests what we are projecting to the universe. Here are the powers of the Mystic Law, as
described in the Heritage of the Ultimate Law of life, pg 102.
1.The Mystic Law has the power to burn away earthly desires that give rise to suffering.”
Once we base our lives on the Mystic Law we come to realize that our temporary desires
come and go. The rock of the Mystic Law gives us the stability upon which to deal with the ups
and downs of life.
2. “The Mystic Law has the power to illuminate the darkness of ignorance in people’s lives.”
When we come to realize we are one with that creative power, we come to use it in our lives
with better and better effect, recognize when it is communicating with us through ideas and
nudges. We come to understand we are it.
3. “The Mystic Law has the power to dispel clouds of karma.”
4. “The Mystic Law has the power to bring forth the pure life state of Buddhahood, unsullied by
the evils and impurities of the world.”
When we chant about, our concerns and goals, each becomes a steppingstone to enlightenment.
This means that the Mystic Law has the power to enable us to purify our lives so that we can
become Buddhas. That means we are take our awareness from lower levels of consciousness and
raising it to the higher ones as we do our human revolution.
5. The Mystic Law has the power to sweep away all delusions and worries.”
As we chant we come to understand that anything can be handled with the Mystic Law.
6. “The Mystic Law has the power to establish a brilliant state of absolute freedom that is never
When we base our lives on Nam-myoho-renge-kyo we exhibit the wisdom to deal effectively
with any situation creating the most valuable outcome.
7.” The Mystic Law has the power to eliminate the illusions of birth and death.”
We come to experience that we are eternal as well as phenemonal and that when we die we are one with the Mystic Law and will come once again to play our part on the stage of life as a wave arises out of the ocean.
We practice in order to achieve Buddhahood and we increasingly embody the Mystic Law as we chant to the Gohonzon year after year, bring it out to use in everyday life. The law of attraction works with the stepping stones along the way, giving us feedback on what we are projecting to the universe through the results we are or are not getting and the circumstances we create in our lives.
Today we discussed the differences between the Law of Attraction and the Mystic Law.
The Law of attraction is a law of the universe which says like unto like is drawn. In other words,
what we project to the universe comes back to us
- The Mystic Law has the power to burn away earthly desires that give rise to suffering.
- It has the power to illuminate the darkness of ignorance in people’s lives.
- The Mystic Law has the power to dispel clouds of karma.
- The Mystic Law has the power to bring forth the pure state of Buddhahood, unsullied by the
evils and impurities of this world. - It has the power to sweep away all delusions and worries.
- The Mystic Law has the power to establish a brilliant state of absolute freedom that is never
deadlocked. - Finally the Mystic Law has the power to eliminate the illusions of birth and death.
Other URL’s you Might Like
Why Is It Important to Have Faith in the Gohonzon? https://wp.me/p3V1J9-110
5 Things to Consider if Not Getting Results from Chanting https://wp.me/p3V1J9-Yz
Do You Know Why Your Thoughts Are So Important? https://wp.me/p3V1J9-PB
Download Transcript: Law of Attraction Mystic Law
Comment: Thank you for your comments. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you are thinking. I try to answer questions in the order that they come to me.
Thanks for the wonderful explanation.
Hope it will be useful.
Hi Margaret , i truly enjoyed hearing you today n would follow you for clarity in faith . i have been formally following this faith for more than 14 years but still hv doubts if i am on right track etc ….why is that . i hv had succeses n also failure especially my job karma is haunting me hence get doubts ….how can i get in touch with you ? Are you on Whatsapp ?
Why is this called MYSTIC LAW ?
Hi Sanjiv,
I answer questions on the practice through email, margaret@margaretblaine.com. I also have almost 80 videos on YouTube addressing different aspects of what affects results in practice.
I hope thy’ll be helpful.
I became a member of SGI January 7th, 2018. I sometimes have doubts not from chanting but from the idea of being a part of an organized religion perspective. This post helped me clarify a few things. It’s very well written and articulated. Thank you. I would like to share with other members as well and promise to give full credit.
That’s fine.
Hi Margret, thank you so much for this explanation, very well explained! I am practicing Nichiren’s Buddhism since last 5 years and recently I came across a person who is looking for some answers and follows ‘Law of Attraction’. I wish I had watched your video before to answer her question. But it gave me a clear and descriptive understanding. Best Regards.
Hi Arti,
I’m glad they’re useful. Where do you live?