We have learned a great deal about how the mind works since Nichiren’s time. I think it helps to understand how the mind works to create the kinds of results we want to create through chanting. Conscious Mind There are three different major levels of the mind. The first is the rational mind. The […]
Archive | personal growth
A Buddhist View on How to Handle a Difficult Person
As Bill Aiken, former SGI-USA Vice General director said in his World Tribune article, The Oneness of Life and Its Environment, “Rather than there being one static “environment” that we living beings are all born into, every environment is uniquely customized, tailored to suit each of us according to the state of our inner lives.” […]
Know How to Chant As though Your Goal is Achieved?
“Drop the doubt. Begin to live as though your prayers have already been answered.” Daisaku Ikeda I have received this question. “How do I chant about a goal as though it’s already accomplished, when it’s still in the future?” This is an important question because we know that our thoughts are generative. They are […]
How Can I strengthen My Faith More Than Ever?
What is Faith? So what is faith anyway. It’s the experience of being one with the Mystic Law and ‘getting‘ that it is the center of our lives. That means we make a major shift from looking to circumstances and conditions outside of ourselves as the causes of the conditions of our life to […]
Reasons Why You Might Not Be Receiving Benefit
I have received questions about why someone might not be receiving benefit. In this video I covered a number of reasons this could be happening.
Do You Know the Power of Thought?
To download the transcript, click here. If you look at the nine levels of consciousness in the Buddhist literature the 9th is the fundamental ground of consciousness that is in all things. That level embodies the generative, intelligent power of the universe and we are one with it. That sounds esoteric until you look into […]
Are You Going Through a Dark time Now?
To download the transcript click here We all experience dark times in our lives. This is when something difficult or devastating happens. Maybe you have a bad diagnosis or lose a spouse or family member or friend, lose a job, experience a betrayal, or are living through global threats such as the pandemic or […]
How Can I Become Happy Again after Heartbreak?
This week I received a couple of questions about how to move on after heartbreak, where you have lost someone who has died or have been betrayed by someone. The writer was having trouble moving on to become happy. Whether you have lost someone due to death or betrayal, there is still the loss of […]
How Can We Help Bring People Together?
In the May 15th World Tribune there is a Question; How Can I Bring People Together When They Seem so Divided? This is such an important question for today. And it’s a question for countries around the world. As we know from history Mahatma Gandhi and later Martin Luther King believed and used love […]
How to Comfort Ourselves and Uplift Others
</span data-mce-type=”bookmark”style=”display:inline-block; width:0px; overflow; hidden; line-height:0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> The virus has forced us to face the impermanence of our lives and has brought death into full view. We might say that we are living in winter. When Nichiren and his disciples encountered adversity he reminded them: “Winter always turns into spring, Never from ancient times has […]