Archive | Practice for Others

Sardinia's hilly landscape of sun lit by the sunset with the sun going to disappear behind the clouds letting glimpse of its shining rays.

Hurt by Someone? Why Should I Chant for their Happiness?       Why Should I Chant for Someone Who Has Hurt Me? I have received comments from people who have been wronged or betrayed by someone and are having a hard time chanting for their happiness. They feel that what this person did was so reprehensible that they can’t chant for their happiness. […]

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Be Specific 3d words on a dart board to target precise directions and defined goals or objectives for a job, project or task

Are You Harnessing the Law of Specificity?

To download transcript, click here. Most of us have a fuzzy idea of what we want. But if we ask the universe for that probably not much is going to happen. That might mean something like, “I want lots of money.” Well what does that mean. What is lots of money for you? Tell me […]

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Know How to Stop Dwelling on Negative Experiences?

  I had had a question, “How can I stop dwelling on brooding, hurtful conversations with people from past relationships?” Little things, a tiff, being cut off in traffic are easy to let go. But when we have a deep feeling of betrayal then the content of our life has become our curriculum and the […]

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Pieces of paper each containing a word pinned to a cork board reading Help Yourself by Helping Others encouraging you to spend time and resources on a worthy ca

How to Comfort Ourselves and Uplift Others

</span data-mce-type=”bookmark”style=”display:inline-block; width:0px; overflow; hidden; line-height:0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> The virus has forced us to face the impermanence of our lives and has brought death into full view. We might say that we are living in winter. When Nichiren and his disciples encountered adversity he reminded them: “Winter always turns into spring, Never from ancient times has […]

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How Do I Handle My Fear of the Pandemic?

 We are dealing with a difficult time and difficult times are part of the human journey. Such times are potent with possibilities. We can either choose to grow and discover a larger version of ourselves, or we can fall into fear, choose to contract and retreat into being a victim of the situation. It […]

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Successful and stressed businesswomen in contrasting weather

Have a Spiritual Struggle When Chanting for a Goal?

 When you chant for a goal you hope to achieve it quickly, but obstacles or one sort or another usually appear. This is when we engage in a spiritual struggle, one which we wage in our hearts and minds. Fundamental Enlightenment and Fundamental Darkness At the core of our lives exist two opposing forces. […]

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Two hands preserve a green tree against a thunder-storm. Concept of preservation of the nature

Overwhelmed? How to Develop Inner Stability

 Transcript Download: Overwhelmed? How to Develop Inner Stability 2 Many people describe feeling flung about by their feelings. Usually they are talking about despair, suffering, anxiety and depression. These can take over when faced with an obstacle or being unusually stressed by life events. These feelings are not something we can ignore, as we […]

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