I had had a question, “How can I stop dwelling on brooding, hurtful conversations with people from past relationships?” Little things, a tiff, being cut off in traffic are easy to let go. But when we have a deep feeling of betrayal then the content of our life has become our curriculum and the […]
Archive | practical buddhism
How Does Buddhism Look at Relationship Issues?
To download the transcript, click here I’ve had a number of questions regarding how to chant about relationship issues. Sometimes these issues are some of the hardest ones, since everyone’s emotions run very high, whether it being falling in love with someone who is in a relationship with someone else, to divorcing when there are […]
Does How You Chant for a Goal, Matter?
I have had a question this week. What is the difference between visualizing a goal as already accomplished and forcing a goal? When we envision a goal we can visualize it with a light touch, trusting the infinite to work it out. When you do this you envision the goal as already done, thereby telling […]
Know That Slandering Can Influence Your Results?
To download the transcript, click here I have been asked to discuss on shitsu, the word for slander. I looked up the definition for slander and saw this. Vilify, defame, libel, defile, detract, depreciate disparage, belittle backbite, speak evil. The Fourteen Slanders In The Fourteen Slanders, Nichiren says there is no difference when a […]
Are You Going Through a Dark time Now?
To download the transcript click here We all experience dark times in our lives. This is when something difficult or devastating happens. Maybe you have a bad diagnosis or lose a spouse or family member or friend, lose a job, experience a betrayal, or are living through global threats such as the pandemic or […]
How Can We Help Bring People Together?
In the May 15th World Tribune there is a Question; How Can I Bring People Together When They Seem so Divided? This is such an important question for today. And it’s a question for countries around the world. As we know from history Mahatma Gandhi and later Martin Luther King believed and used love […]
How Do We Handle Earthly Desires in the Pandemic?
I hope you all are staying healthy and have been able to use this time of reflection to good effect. Finally we’ve managed to work with my husband’s computer to get this video up. I apologize for the inconvenience. We need to give him kudos for figuring out all of the work arounds he […]
How to Comfort Ourselves and Uplift Others
</span data-mce-type=”bookmark”style=”display:inline-block; width:0px; overflow; hidden; line-height:0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”> The virus has forced us to face the impermanence of our lives and has brought death into full view. We might say that we are living in winter. When Nichiren and his disciples encountered adversity he reminded them: “Winter always turns into spring, Never from ancient times has […]
How Should We Chant About the Virus?
I had a question this week. “How should I chant about the COVID-19 ? Before I get into this topic, I just want you to know that these are my opinions. I’m not representing anyone. We all know Buddhism is reason. And I think that reason is important when looking at something as panic producing […]
Have Financial Karma? What to Do
Before we discuss financial karma, let’s review what our relationship as humans is to the universe. As Daisaku Ikeda says, “In the innermost depths of all beings, there is the primal life- force and it causes living beings to live. This same force supports inorganic matter and works it into the harmonies and rhythms of […]