Tag Archives | Buddhism

grateful heart

Do You Know That Gratitude Can Change Your Life?

 We hear a lot about gratitude at this time of year. So does gratitude have a part in transforming our lives? There was a study published by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkley. Nearly 300 college students seeking mental health counseling were randomly assigned to one of three groups. The first group […]

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Know How to Lessen Karmic Retribution?

 I had a question this week. “How can I lessen karmic retribution?” Let’s look at what karma is first. What is Karma? With every thought, word and action we make, we simultaneously set seeds into our life which will produce an effect when the time is right. In accordance with the law of the […]

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Controlling word cloud on a white background.

You Are Never a Victim of Your Circumstances

 Many people believe that they are the victim of one circumstance or another. Our culture teaches us that that is the case. We see it demonstrated over and over by public figures. There Are Advantages to Being a Victim When we think we are a victim we have turned over our power to something […]

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Belief Vs Doubt Balance Scale Faith Confidence 3d Illustration

Know what You Can do If Battling Doubts?

 I had a question this week, which is universal to anyone who is practicing at one time or another. “Do you have tips on doubt and sticking to the practice?” I think all doubts need to be taken seriously. What do Doubts Indicate? What is happening when we have doubts about the practice? Our […]

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Design the life you like to live - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee

Goal Setting: Know What Works and What Doesn’t?

   I’ve had a number of questions about setting goals for various types of problems. So today I want to go through the basics of goal setting, how to set effective goals and then cover ways of setting goals that don’t work so well. People have asked me, “Why do I need to set […]

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A Climate Change Concept Image

Can I Change Someone Else by Chanting?

Can I change someone else by chanting? I have received this question over and over. Today I want to address this topic as it has come up several times in the last month. It is a concept, if not understood, can result in chanting without results. Oneness of Self and the Environment We have a […]

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Successful and stressed businesswomen in contrasting weather

Have a Spiritual Struggle When Chanting for a Goal?

 When you chant for a goal you hope to achieve it quickly, but obstacles or one sort or another usually appear. This is when we engage in a spiritual struggle, one which we wage in our hearts and minds. Fundamental Enlightenment and Fundamental Darkness At the core of our lives exist two opposing forces. […]

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Image of opened white note book with a pen, and This Is My Story words written on it

How Did I Do My Human Revolution?

 Transcript download: My Story I received a question this week, “How did you do your human revolution? Let’s be very clear. I haven’t finished my human revolution. I’m still in process just as the rest of you are. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, human revolution is the internal transformation that takes […]

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