I had a question this week, which is universal to anyone who is practicing at one time or another. “Do you have tips on doubt and sticking to the practice?” I think all doubts need to be taken seriously. What do Doubts Indicate? What is happening when we have doubts about the practice? Our […]
Archive | Buddhism In Daily Life
Goal Setting: Know What Works and What Doesn’t?
I’ve had a number of questions about setting goals for various types of problems. So today I want to go through the basics of goal setting, how to set effective goals and then cover ways of setting goals that don’t work so well. People have asked me, “Why do I need to set […]
Know the Difference Between the Mystic Law and the Law of Attraction?
“I had a question this week: why do we need to chant in front of the Gohonzon if the law of Attraction works on its own. A friend of mine told me, ‘You don’t need the Gohonzon, just think positive.’ She made me feel confused.” I have a full discussion of this question in my […]
Can I Change Someone Else by Chanting?
Can I change someone else by chanting? I have received this question over and over. Today I want to address this topic as it has come up several times in the last month. It is a concept, if not understood, can result in chanting without results. Oneness of Self and the Environment We have a […]
Have a Spiritual Struggle When Chanting for a Goal?
When you chant for a goal you hope to achieve it quickly, but obstacles or one sort or another usually appear. This is when we engage in a spiritual struggle, one which we wage in our hearts and minds. Fundamental Enlightenment and Fundamental Darkness At the core of our lives exist two opposing forces. […]
Just How Responsible Are We for Our Problems?
Transcript download: Just-How-Responsible-Are-We-For-Our-Problems-2-4 The Buddhist concept oneness of life and its environment teaches us that everything in our lives comes from the inside out to manifest in the world. That sounds fine when life is going well but we tend not to believe this when we come up against a problem with another person. […]
Know Why It’s Important to Master Your Mind?
Nichiren Daishonin said, “Learn to master your mind and don’t let it master you.” What does mastering the mind mean and why is it important? Our practice, and it isn’t called practice for nothing, teaches us through different experiences, how to strengthen our faith, which then allows us to embody Buddhahood. When we chant […]
Recognize When You’re Veering off the Path of Faith?
Today we are going to look at ways we might be veering off the path of faith and become deadlocked in trying to achieve a goal. For the purposes of discussion lets look at this topic by using the goal of resolving a difficult relationship. Are You Blaming Another Person? One of the signs […]
10 Steps to Overcoming Illness
Some of you are suffering from illness and have asked me to discuss it. So in this video we are going to cover the causes of illnesses and how to deal with it from a Buddhist perspective. In Living Buddhism, September 2015, p. 55. “Illness teaches us many things. We become more compassionate. It […]
How to Solve Your Problem in 9 Steps
Can you solve all of your problems with this practice? The short answer, is yes. When facing problems, it’s hard to appreciate the things we have or the challenges we are facing. In order to break through this cycle of misery and negativity by chanting diligently with a positive goal in mind, we can […]