Archive | Buddhism In Daily Life

Worried young woman being accused

Feel Guilty Shifting from Christianity to Buddhism? What to Do.

I received a question this week, which, I’m told affects a lot of people. How do you deal with the guilt of leaving Christianity and becoming a Buddhist? Although this vlog referenced Christianity and Buddhism,, I think the issues would apply to most other circumstances, where a person has transferred from onr religion to another. […]

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My day begins and ends with gratitude - positive affirmation words - handwriting on a napkin with a cup of coffee

How Does a Daily Practice of Gratitude Benefit You?

Transcript download: GratitudeI’ve noticed that the majority of the prayers in Gongyo are prayers of appreciation and gratitude. Since it is Thanksgiving I decided to look into gratitude and what it does for our lives, as I am sure those prayers are no accident. Research Project A research project at the Greater Good Science Center […]

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Ecology concept. Rising sprout on dry ground.

Know How to Use Troubles to Nourish Your Growth?

   Trouble Can Nourish Growth Our lives are planted in the murky pond of everyday life, just like a lotus flower grows in a dirty murky swamp. If the lotus flower was moved out into a clean pond, where would it get the nourishment it needs to grow. Then it wouldn’t be able to […]

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Difficult Family Karma? How to Change It.

 Transcript Upload: Difficult Family Karma One of the reasons we practice faith is to be able to change our karma when faced with a difficult situation, to correct the fundamental causes which bring about suffering. Since family and relationship issues cause many to suffer greatly, lets examine how we would change karma in that […]

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dreams deadline

How Do You Chant if Vague About Your Goal?

 Transcript download: question This week we have a question. “I have been chanting for months now to find out what my passion is. Unfortunately I can’t seem to connect to my own prayer and I keep feeling I should chant differently, perhaps word my prayer differently the past I have always had success […]

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Frame of Mind series. Composition of  human face wire-frame and wave elements to serve as a supporting backdrop for projects on mind, reason, thought, mental powers and mystic consciousness

Are Science and Religion in Conflict or Supporting One Another?

 Transcript download: science and Religion “In this vlog I have been talking about how to use Buddhist philosophy and practice to deal with the concerns of everyday life. The longer I have been writing about this topic, the more curious I’ve become about what science has learned about how we humans create our reality […]

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Fearful Businessman escapes screaming from sharks on a cardboard

Do You Know Why You Should be Grateful for Adversity?

 Transcript download: Adversity When you have come up against adversity and go to an experienced practitioner for guidance, they will say “Congratulations you have something to chant about.” Why would they say this? They know that no one is out to get you, that adversity is a normal part of the path to enlightenment. […]

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Superhero word on a green arrow rising above opposite Zero arrows falling to illustrate one who is top performer or best at work in getting jobs or tasks done with great results

5 Things to Consider if Not Getting Results from Chanting

 Transcript download:Not Getting results From chanting 5 Things to Consider. We know that results occur from the inside out – oneness of self and environment. So, if we are not getting results from our chanting, its time to reflect on the following: What is My Attitude? What’s your attitude towards practicing. Ask yourself, “Have […]

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Frame of Mind series. Interplay of human head wire-frame and fractal elements on the subject of brain, mind, reason, intuition, inner energy and mystic consciousness

Do You Know How the Universe Communicates With You?

 Transcript download:universe communicates       When we chant in front of the Gohonzon with a prayer need for something or a need to know something, we have opened a dialogue with the universe. As President Ikeda says in Faith into Action, “To offer prayers is to conduct a dialogue, an exchange with the […]

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no motivation

6 Things to Do If You’re Forcing Yourself to Chant

 Transcript download: Forcing myself to Chant I have received questions from some of you who are concerned with not having the motivation to chant. Here are some of them. “How can I chant consistently when everything is an effort. How can I force myself when I’m not able to. Chanting seems too much, and […]

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