Archive | How Are You Chanting?

Thoughts and options. vector illustration of head with arrows

Are You Sure You’re Chanting For What You Really Want?

I hear stories where people are chanting for a goal but not getting what they really want.  Without even realizing it, they might be chanting for what they don’t want. In this post I want to discuss four reasons why this happens. 1. You Don’t Believe Your Goal Is Possible Let’s say you have a […]

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Abstract arrangement of human feature lines and symbolic elements suitable as background for projects on human mind, consciousness, imagination, science and creativity

8 Steps to Master The Way You Think

Why is It Important to Master Negative Thinking? We are one with the Mystic Law, that creative, unlimited life force, in the core of our lives, our Buddha nature. Because of that connection, we human beings have an amazing ability. Our thoughts take form in the physical world. Our habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude shows […]

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Universe scene with planets, stars and galaxies in outer space showing the beauty of space exploration. Elements furnished by NASA

What is “Being in Rhythm” With the Universe?

Buddhism teaches philosophical concepts, which, when you really study them, I believe are teaching us universal laws, or how the universe works. For example, one of them is the simultaneity of cause and effect. We are taught that when we create a cause through thinking, speaking or acting we have set a seed in our […]

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Do You Know You Are An Unlimited Being?

I don’t think we recognize what we are at our core. We say we have a Buddha nature, which possesses wisdom, vitality, compassion and absolute happiness. But what is the Buddha nature, really? President Toda’s realization in prison, was that that Buddha nature is life itself. Buddha Nature is Life, Our Unlimited Higher Self Life […]

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Frame of Mind series. Composition of human face wire-frame and fractal elements with metaphorical relationship to mind reason thought mental powers and mystic consciousness

Do You Know Why You Shouldn’t Chant About Your Fears?

As a Nichiren Buddhist, you hear that you should chant for what you want. But what if you have a fear, or feel threatened by something. Shouldn’t you chant for what you want to change? The answer is no, not if you are looking at the problem. Think about it carefully. If you are holding […]

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Whats Stopping You Concept. Whats Stopping You Drawn on Dark Wall. Whats Stopping You in Multicolor. Whats Stopping You Concept. Modern Illustration in Doodle Design of Whats Stopping You.

I’ve Been chanting a Lot! Why Isn’t something Happening?

Question: I’ve been chanting two hours a day about my goal but nothing seems to be happening. I don’t have any ideas about what to do. If this is the case, the following are some things to consider, as they can affect movement forward towards a goal. Recognizing Ideas Look for ideas relating to what […]

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