Many practitioners have expressions concerns about being unsure about how to chant about a complex problem. In this post we are going to deconstruct a complex problem to look at how to chant about it. Then we will discuss an issue that makes chanting about these problems difficult, having an assumption of how it will […]
Archive | practical buddhism
Get the Results in Life You Want
Do you feel sometimes that the results you get in your life aren’t what you expected? And, you don’t know why? When this happens its almost as though we are living by accident rather than on purpose. What if you knew how to make use of one of the Buddhist laws, the simultaneity of cause […]
Are You Sure You’re Chanting For What You Really Want?
I hear stories where people are chanting for a goal but not getting what they really want. Without even realizing it, they might be chanting for what they don’t want. In this post I want to discuss four reasons why this happens. 1. You Don’t Believe Your Goal Is Possible Let’s say you have a […]
Why is it so Hard to Establish a New Habit?
As we work on our human revolution, that transformation from the lesser to the greater self, we are going to have to give up habits of thinking and acting that don’t serve us and adopt new ones which serve us better. How Do We Build a New Habit? We start by making a decision to […]
Why Chanting is Not Magic
Chanting is not Magic Some people talk about this practice as if it is magic. Chanting is not magic. Our circumstances change as we change from within. There is no question that chanting gives us ideas about what to do. When we take action unseen connections are made that we could never have foreseen ourselves. […]
8 Steps to Master The Way You Think
Why is It Important to Master Negative Thinking? We are one with the Mystic Law, that creative, unlimited life force, in the core of our lives, our Buddha nature. Because of that connection, we human beings have an amazing ability. Our thoughts take form in the physical world. Our habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude shows […]
What is “Being in Rhythm” With the Universe?
Buddhism teaches philosophical concepts, which, when you really study them, I believe are teaching us universal laws, or how the universe works. For example, one of them is the simultaneity of cause and effect. We are taught that when we create a cause through thinking, speaking or acting we have set a seed in our […]
Do You Know Why Your Thoughts Are So Important?
We’re taught that our thoughts don‘t really matter unless we act on them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We are one with the creative life force in the core of our lives, so our minds have the same creative capacity as the life force itself. This means our minds are unlimited and can […]
Do You Know You Are An Unlimited Being?
I don’t think we recognize what we are at our core. We say we have a Buddha nature, which possesses wisdom, vitality, compassion and absolute happiness. But what is the Buddha nature, really? President Toda’s realization in prison, was that that Buddha nature is life itself. Buddha Nature is Life, Our Unlimited Higher Self Life […]
Know Why It’s Important to Forge Your Mind of Faith?
President Ikeda says in the Clear Mirror Guidance, that when you chant, your mind of faith is reflected on the entire universe, as if on a clear mirror. This means that when you chant about a concern, your mind of faith is going to influence the results you receive. If your mind of faith is […]