Tag Archives | mastering your mind


How Do I Handle My Fear of the Pandemic?

 We are dealing with a difficult time and difficult times are part of the human journey. Such times are potent with possibilities. We can either choose to grow and discover a larger version of ourselves, or we can fall into fear, choose to contract and retreat into being a victim of the situation. It […]

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How Should We Chant About the Virus?

I had a question this week. “How should I chant about the COVID-19 ? Before I get into this topic, I just want you to know that these are my opinions. I’m not representing anyone. We all know Buddhism is reason. And I think that reason is important when looking at something as panic producing […]

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Have Financial Karma? What to Do

Before we discuss financial karma, let’s review what our relationship as humans is to the universe. As Daisaku Ikeda says, “In the innermost depths of all beings, there is the primal life- force and it causes living beings to live. This same force supports inorganic matter and works it into the harmonies and rhythms of […]

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Belief Vs Doubt Balance Scale Faith Confidence 3d Illustration

Know what You Can do If Battling Doubts?

 I had a question this week, which is universal to anyone who is practicing at one time or another. “Do you have tips on doubt and sticking to the practice?” I think all doubts need to be taken seriously. What do Doubts Indicate? What is happening when we have doubts about the practice? Our […]

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Successful and stressed businesswomen in contrasting weather

Have a Spiritual Struggle When Chanting for a Goal?

 When you chant for a goal you hope to achieve it quickly, but obstacles or one sort or another usually appear. This is when we engage in a spiritual struggle, one which we wage in our hearts and minds. Fundamental Enlightenment and Fundamental Darkness At the core of our lives exist two opposing forces. […]

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Human emotion and mood disorder as a tree shaped as two human faces with one half empty branches and the opposite side full of leaves as a medical metaphor for psychological contrast in feelings on a white background.

Do You Know How Reservations Can Impact Achieving a Goal?

Transcript Download: reservations Two practitioners, Beth and Barbara, were discussing getting goals. One commented that she had had experiences where she just knew she was going to get a goal and it happened. But now she had a major goal that she had been chanting about for several years, to publish the book she is […]

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Child plays in surreal sea

Why Is It Important to Have Faith in the Gohonzon?

    Download transcript:  Faith in the Gohonzon Recently I received a question, “Please explain our connection with the Gohonzon and why it’s important to have faith in the Gohonzon. What exactly does the Gohonson mean?. This is an important question as it goes right to the heart of our practice. Gohonzon means object of […]

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