It is said that with Nichiren Buddhism no prayer goes unanswered. But this doesn’t mean every prayer will be answered right away by magic. Some prayers require making changes in our lives before they can be answered. We will have to make efforts, take action to realize them. Something of Substance Doesn’t Happen Overnight It’s […]
Archive | How Are You Chanting?
How to Chant if Perplexed
Over the last few posts, I’ve discussed how to achieve goals successfully. But what if you don’t know what your goals are. At times it’s possible to have more questions or fears than ideas for goals, very like the boy in the picture. It seems that you can’t see beyond your current situation. Maybe you’ve […]
Kick Depression to the Curb
Many people suffer from depression. Depression can leach all joy out of life, leaving you without zest. One of the wonderful things about this Nichiren Buddhist chanting practice of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is that anyone can lift their daily life experience out of the more negative states of life, such as anxiety, depression, and anger and into […]
Chanting + Action Leads to Success
Chanting Alone is Not Enough In my last post we discussed how important it is to take action on ideas that we get when we chant about a goal or a challenge. Chanting alone is not enough, although it is definitely lays the foundation. When we chant we set forces in motion. The positive forces […]
Three Steps to Finding Courage
To achieve a goal successfully requires you to chant about it and then take action. When you take a step towards a goal, you chant about the first step and then act on the first step. This sequence of chanting first, then taking action, will repeat with each step. Taking action can be a sticking […]
Are You Chanting With Mixed Feelings or Determination?
Are You Chanting with Mixed Feelings? If you are struggling to surmount an obstacle, little adjustments in the way you are chanting can affect the results. One of these aspects to consider is whether you are chanting with mixed feelings or determination. If you’re chant with mixed feelings you are telling the universe that you […]
Chanting Plus Action Manifests Our Goals (3)
When you set a goal and chant about it, action will be required to bring it about. Chanting Isn’t Magic Sometimes it sounds as though chanting alone is going to make it possible to achieve a goal. But chanting alone will not get you there. What we do when we chant: We let the universe […]
5 Things to Consider When Chanting for a Goal (2)
President Ikeda, author of many books on Buddhism and the leader of the Nichiren Buddhist movement for 60 years, points out in his Clear Mirror Guidance, the universe acts as a mirror, when we are chanting for a goal, and reflects our state of mind back to us. Let’s look at some states of mind […]
The Secret to the Successful Realization of Your Goals
I’m going to discuss something which you may never have considered as a powerful way to realize a goal. I hope you’ll keep an open mind, knowing that anything I say you can prove to yourself through your own experience. I’m talking about a different sort of prayer. A Different Sort of Prayer Prayer in […]
How Some People Find Great Answers to Problems And Others Don’t
Do you have a problem which seems unsolvable? Have you felt as though you’ve been beating your head against a stone wall? No matter how long and hard you think about it, you don’t see an answer? We’ve all had this experience when using the intellect alone and trying to find a good strategy to […]