Learning to Trust the Wisdom Within Post#2 By Margaret Blaine, The Practical Buddhist Usually when you start to practice you don’t yet believe you have a Buddha nature within, a deeper source of wisdom, courage and happiness. In the past you have relied on your intellectual understanding. Experience teaches all of us that sometimes […]
Archive | Buddhism In Daily Life
Chanting for Goals Develops Spiritual Attributes
How chanting for goals teaches the practitioner how to master their mind and be unbowed by the winds of life.
Manifesting What You Want is a Skill
Chanting for goals teaches a practitioner how to to create a successful life .
Believe it or not, Chanting is Practical
Chanting practice is the most practical way to begin the day. It allows the practitioner to tap a deep wisdom to be used in daily activities.
Practical Buddhism & Handling Obstacles
Do you have an obstacle, or more than one, which is keeping you from moving forward in your life? We all have these at different times in our lives. What can you do to overcome an obstacle? Probably in the past you thought that the problem was due to something outside of yourself, another person, […]
Practical Buddhism: Handling Anger
Some people have a problem with anger. It tends to come up at inappropriate times or simmers underneath the surface only to erupt with little provocation. Someone I know had this issue when he started to chant Nam-myoho-renge-ko. He was dealing with mid-life issues feeling trapped and restless in the job he had filled for […]
Pull Out of Negative Emotional States
I have said that Nichiren Buddhism is practical and I’d like to give you an example of what I mean. Have you ever gotten up in the morning and dreaded going to work, feeling depressed and anxious? Would you like to be able to pull yourself out of these negative emotional states? Well, you can. […]
Your Path to Unshakeable Happiness Begins
Your path to establish unshakeable happiness in your life begins with a chant, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Look Inside the Book
Hi All Members, Your Path to Unshakeable Happiness was written to help with the introduction of new people to Nichiren Buddhism. It is a story of two new people and what happens in their lives when they try the 90-day experiment. Along with the story there are To The Reader sections at the end of […]
You Have a Buddha Nature
Nichiren Buddhism is practical. It exists to allow you to turn your life from negativity and unhappiness to redirect it towards unshakeable happiness or Enlightenment. The Lotus Flower in Buddhism is a symbol of this process. As you can see it is rooted the murky waters of a pond. That water represents the daily life […]